Using BitFire's REMI Model

Phoenix Rising

For its 2024 home broadcasts, USL Champion’s Phoenix Rising chose BitFire to provide end-to-end REMI production services. BitFire on- ramped the Rising venue to the BitFire Media Platform (BFMP), a production cloud ecosystem that enables seamless hybrid workflows, and created an ultra low latency connection with the BitFire control room miles away. The inherent ease with which the BFMP replicates and routes video, audio and data, all while maintaining perfect sync, provided Rising with more flexibility than they ever imagined.

Challenges & Solutions

Rising wanted to raise the quality of their broadcast

BitFire makes setup integration seamless, and provides one solution that encompasses the entire workflow.

Rising wanted to elevate the in-venue experience with replays and camera feeds from the remote control room, and have the ability to place talent in-venue with real-time monitoring

The BitFire Media Platform's native ultra-low latency to copy, replicate, and easily route broadcast-quality video to the Rising venue with no lag. This includes program, replays, and camera feeds to the stadium screen and talent at the Rising venue.


Phoenix Rising has improved the quality of their television broadcast and in venue experience by leveraging the same technology: the BitFire Media Platform. The power of the BFMP lies in the its ability to do just that. Minimize the footprint, increase the quality.

Why Choose BitFire?


The BitFire REMI model removes the need for on-site equipment and hardware, making the setup for REMI simpler and easy to repeat, resulting in cleaner and more reliable broadcasts. The skeleton van BitFire deploys at the Rising venue has no intercom system, no audio board, and no frame sync. BitFire interfaces directly with Dante gear on site for all on-air audio, IFBs, talk backs, and PLs.


Inherent to the BitFire Media Platform is accurate sync across every feed on the platform, meaning nothing has to be manually synced. No routers, no embedders. BitFire does it for you.


BitFire REMI’s utilize AES67 multicast audio so that each BitFire Engine has a copy of all on-air audio, so that even a loss of an engine wouldn’t harm the broadcast. Similarly, game cameras are split between engines so there is no single point of failure.

Get in Touch

Talk to us about your upcoming broadcast needs. We’d love to hear from you!

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